
To customize the images of the items in your inventory, follow these simple steps: open the pictures.lua file located in the configuration folder (config).

In this file, you'll see a list of objects with names in key-value format, for example:

-- or link discord .png
['tennisball'] = '',

Each key represents the name of the object, while the value is the URL link of the image you wish to use for that object.

To modify the image of an object, simply replace the existing link with the URL of your new image. Save the changes in the pictures.lua file.

When you restart your server or reload the inventory, the new images will be taken into account and displayed for the corresponding objects in the inventory.

By following these steps, you can easily customize the images of the items in your inventory and create a unique visual experience for your players!

If no image is set, you will have this image until you set the one you want.

Last updated